Wednesday, March 18, 2009

RGR002 - The Tower of the Moon

Quick update... I did what I said I would, and headed back to Tuhn to open the watergate. Now the river that used to flow by the town does so again. The Tower of the Moon is a maze of staircases, which I somehow managed to navigate successfully to find the Moon Fragment.

Yay, no more awkward sand!
Yay, no more awkward sand!
Just looks like a rock to me...
Just looks like a rock to me...

I guess I'm supposed to use it somewhere to get somewhere. I also picked up the Magic Loom in Zahan, but I need the Dew's Yarn before it'll be of any use to me.

That's AWFULLY specific.
That's AWFULLY specific.

I guess I know where to look. Oh, and the second picture is the mysterious bad-breathed man above Wellgarth, in case someone didn't believe me.

1 comment:

  1. Thou hast defeated the Watergate.

    Of experience, thou hast obtained 32 points!

    Of Presidents, thou hast caused the Richard Nixon to resign!
