Sunday, September 27, 2009

RGR009 - Rebirth of the Phoenix

We finally found it. After rifling through all of my previous screenshots, I spotted a shot in this post, when we first visited Tedanki and found it lifeless in the morning. We weren't originally able to get into the cell at night, since we didn't have the Final key, so we swung by at night and paid the prisoner a visit. He was eager to give us the Green Orb, though I'm not sure exactly why.

With the final orb in our hands, we made a beeline for Liamland and placed it on its altar. The elf girls did their creepy alternating speech thing, and then the egg hatched to reveal the newborn phoenix, Ramia. He was actually pretty cute, though a bit small for a vehicle. Then again, the boat looks awfully small, and it works just fine for us. After getting his bearings, Ramia flew a lap around the shrine, and then flew away. Fortunately, he didn't fly far, and was waiting for us to hop on outside the shrine!

We've actually been waiting a while too.
We've actually been waiting a while too.
Four on four's a fair fight, right?
Four on four's a fair fight, right?

That's all of them; what's my prize?
That's all of them; what's my prize?
Ooh, it's nice and warm now.
Ooh, it's nice and warm now.

What did I say about talking over one another?
What did I say about talking
over one another?
How are we all going to fit on there?
How are we all going to fit on there?

Oh. That, uh, might be a problem.
Oh. That, uh, might be a problem.

Seems to me we might just about be ready to take a shot at Baramos himself, as soon as we check out a couple of secluded places on the map. I suppose we'll find out soon enough if Baramos is really in charge.

My guess is still no.

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