Wednesday, September 9, 2009

RGR009 - The Journey East

After talking to the king of Portoga, we warped to Assaram (have I told you how much I love the Return spell?) and, after a quick stay at the inn, entered the cave. Surprisingly, the cave is free of enemies; the only other living thing there was Norud the Dwarf, and he was as rude as we expected. However, thanks the the Royal Scroll we got from the king of Portoga, he came around quickly and opened the passage for us. The passage seemed awfully long considering it had no enemies, but we eventually emerged on the other side of the mountains.

The enemies in the east were tougher than those back near Assaram, but nothing we couldn't handle. We walked for a while, fighting these Avenger Jackals and... Tonguebears... yes, until we finally reached the town of Baharata. This is apparently the source of all pepper.

In one...
In one...

Now was that so hard?
Now was that so hard?
...and out the other!
...and out the other!

Wow, they don't waste any time.
Wow, they don't waste any time.
Who comes up with these names?
Who comes up with these names?

But we just knew it wouldn't be that easy. See, the guy in Baharata who normally sells pepper was dealing with the kidnap of his daughter, Tania, so there was no pepper to be had. And to make matters worse, Tania's boyfriend, Galen, stormed off to rescue her as we were discussing the kidnapping with her grandfather. You know that can't end well. So now it's up to us to find the kidnappers, knock them around a bit, and save both Tania AND Galen. Fortunately, someone in town clued us in on the location of the kidnappers, so we at least know where we're headed.

Thanks, it's great to be here!
Thanks, it's great to be here!
Why can't it ever be simple?
Why can't it ever be simple?

Ooh, want.
Ooh, want.

Well, that makes things easier.
Well, that makes things easier.

You'd think we were the only adventurers around. But we've got to save Tania, because we need the pepper, because we need the ship.

Eyes on the prize, Ryan. Eyes on the prize.

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