We just knew the flute would come in handy right away, so we began searching areas where we suspected an orb might be, and remembered one of the pirates saying an orb was among the spoils of one of their raids. So we sailed straight to the pirates' den, and when we used the flute there, it echoed. This was obviously good news, but we had no idea exactly where in the den the orb might be. The flute only echoes when we're near the orb, but doesn't tell us what direction or distance we are from it.
After searching for an embarrassingly long time, we remembered seeing a boulder in a clearing on the east side of the pirate house. We pushed it aside and searched beneath it, and found a stairway. The small treasure room at the bottom of the stairs held exactly what we were looking for: the Red Orb!

All right, let's try to survive this time.

Ooh, this stuff must be valuable.

Valuable indeed!

Golly gee!

Three down, three to go!

I didn't know she was so conceited.
Next on our search was the town Gabriela was building, since we had seen growth in the town each time we visited earlier. This time, we were welcomed by a woman who called the place Gabrielaville. We were taken aback a little at the fact that Gabriela would name the town after herself, but I guess that's her prerogative. The people didn't seem too happy about the way they were being treated these days in the name of progress, but Gabriela herself was really enjoying being in charge.
We tried out the Echoing Flute, but there was unfortunately no echo, so we figured we'd leave and continue our search. But we wanted to see if coming back immediately would result in more changes, and they did. When we reentered the town, there was a guard in place of the woman who welcomed us before, and he said the town wasn't just Gabriela's town anymore. As it turned out, the people had finally had enough of the way they were treated, and rebelled against Gabriela, throwing her in jail.
We also learned someone had recently arrived in town trying to sell a Yellow Orb, so we quickly tried out the Echoing Flute. This time, there was indeed an echo, so we continued investigating, and found Gabriela in her cell. She didn't seem too upset about being imprisoned, and wished us luck in our quest. She also suggested we search behind her throne. When we did, we found the Yellow Orb hidden there!

Yeah, we'll be headed there soon enough.

Couldn't keep her in check, could you?

Really, a throne?

She is looking manly these days.

Something seems different...

What, you think you know us?

We're listening...

She's not dead, you know.

You could just write that on a sign.

At least you're still nice to me.

So who's in charge now?

That makes four!
We've only got two orbs left to find, and we know one is in the Necrogond, but I can't for the life of me think of where the other might be.
I suppose we've put this off long enough. See you in the Necrogond!
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