The World of Dragon Warrior III
This also brings to light the references to actual locations in the names of towns (like Romaly and Isis), and I think that's just swell. But I digress...

The sun rises where I live too...

Ooh, do you guys have Gundam manga?

Omigosh! A generic boy!

Maybe she'll tell my fortune...

Who? What?

Relax, we'll kill it for you.

What, you think you're special?

Then why don't you move?
The village in Jipang was, as you might expect, in a state of turmoil, as the people are under the constant threat of a many-headed serpent monster called Orochi. Every so often, this beast apparently demands an offering in the form of a girl from the village, or so the people are told by their spiritual leader, a woman named Himiko. It isn't made clear whether Orochi makes this demand directly to the people, or if this is just what Himiko tells them. I honestly don't think she's up to much good.
A girl named Yayoi has just been chosen as the next offering to Orochi, and so the people are all in a state of early mourning (Yayoi herself is in hiding in the village). But we're not about to stand idly by and watch an innocent girl be sacrificed to some mythological Japanese monster, so we've offered to hunt down and destroy the Orochi to bring peace to the village. That's just the kind of guys we are.
The entrance to Orochi's cave is conveniently just a few steps away from the village gates, so we'll be heading out at once. It'll probably take a few trips, since I like to make complete maps of caves and towers. That, and it'll give us a good chance to do some leveling-up.

Jeez, you startled us!

How'd you sneak through?

She doesn't seem very nice.

We're not doing it for her.

And the crow flies at midnight.

So have we. It's called magic.

We're actually nice guys.

No one said it'd be this hot.
Besides, there's a chance Himiko has one of the Orbs, and if we can get her to hand it over to us, that would be awesome.
And maybe she'll stop being so mean if we help the village.
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