We saved our progress, and then went in to see the job-changing guy. We passed the book over to Viron, and with his level now high enough to change jobs (the magic number is 20), he was able to become a Sage. The process set him back to level 1, with no experience points, and half the HP and MP he had. He retained all his Pilgrim spells as expected, and when we tested him out in the field, he immediately started learning Wizard spells as he gained levels.

Now you we can handle.

Ouch, stupid drop-offs.

And it's very dusty.

But I don't think we're ready to go changing classes just yet, so I reset the game, and we'll be storing the book in Aliahan's vault for now. We're also not ready to go back to Jipang, so it's exploration time!
Good thing I've got my map.
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