We used the bone a few more times to zero in on the Phantom Ship's position, and finally pulled up next to and boarded it. The Phantom Ship was pretty straightforward, with an upper and lower deck, both of which were mostly open. The enemies were nothing we hadn't seen before, so we took our time and explored the entire ship. The lower deck was staffed with the spirits of the slaves and criminals who rowed the ship before it originally sank, and among these was Errol.


At least it worked...

Should we bother him?

You realize you're dead, right?

It'd be funnier if you weren't weak.

Yep, and we're more important than you.


So is saving the world, so zip it.

That's deep, man.

No, it actually never rains here.
If you'll recall, Errol and Olivia were lovers when Errol was taken on board the ship. When the ship sank, Olivia was so distraught that she threw herself into the sea, and has been haunting passing ships ever since. And that, of course, is why we're here in the first place: we're looking for something that connects the two of them in order to break the curse on the Promontory of Olivia.

Where's the enthusiasm?

Sorry, we're not Olivia.

We lost count of our kills weeks ago.

I don't have the heart to tell him.
In a room on the southern end of the ship (I can't tell which way the ship is facing, so I don't know what term to use), we found a single treasure chest in a room. Inside was the Locket of Love, which was pretty obviously just the item we needed. So we quickly warped back to Aliahan and began sailing southward toward the rivers that lead to the Promontory of Olivia. When we reached the promontory, as expected, the curse began to pull us back, but we quickly used the Locket of Love, which allowed the souls of Errol and Olivia to be joined again. With their spirits at peace, the curse was broken, and we were finally able to sail inward to the tiny island shrine.
Inside the shrine, everything was in ruin. The shrine was originally built as a jail akin to Alcatraz. But the jail had been abandoned, and now everyone inside, including Simon, the warrior who last held the Sword of Gaia, was dead. Fortunately, his spirit still wandered the halls and cells, so he was able to suggest to us that we search near his corpse. We did, and right next to the bed where he died, we found the Sword of Gaia! An old man in Luzami said I would thrust this sword into a volcano's crater, and see my path unfold before my eyes. I've got to admit, that sounds pretty cool.

I think this is what we're looking for.

How romantic... but they're still dead.

Yep, looks pretty desolate.

Which one's yours? They all look the same.
I missed the opportunity to get a screenshot when we actually found the sword, but rest assured we did find it. There are a couple of places we need to check out to see if we can't find a couple more orbs, and then it's on to the Necrogond!
I'm not looking forward to the enemies in a place with death in its name.
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