I eat danger for breakfast. It's delicious!

I haven't lost the palace.

Well, I trust Jark's intuition on this one.

And some full of root beer and banana pudding.
The path through the mountains was simple enough, with spike-lined pits and some enemies, and I easily overcame them and reached a town on the other side, where I learned that the next leg of my journey to the palace would require the Wings of the Falcon. Of course, the very next thing I learned was that someone had seen some wings by a tree nearby, which might be said wings. I searched a bit for the tree, which was near the palace but on my side of the mountains, and found what were, sure enough, the Wings of the Falcon.

Yeah, if only...

They must be, because I need them.

Wow, brain hurts...

Wow, that's harsh.

Because I'm the GOOD guy.

What if I do?
The path across the broken bridge did indeed include some spans that I wouldn't have been able to cross without the flight upgrade, and since the bridge led across a pit of lava, missing a jump is automatically fatal. On the other side, a short walk brought me to King Darkoan's palace, which was now teeming with bad guys. I fought my way through them until I finally reached the palace gate, which was guarded by a boss.
Third Boss: Bellzemos
The winged skull monster Bellzemos would be a very straightforward boss, if it weren't for the fact that he teleports, and each time he does, he leaves four diagonal-traveling bees in his wake. After he appears, he begins slowly flying directly toward where you were when he appeared, and fires sparks at you. It's easy enough to control his flight path by being where you want him to go, and retreating once he starts moving. As long as he doesn't appear too close to you, he's pretty easy.

Sounds like an '80s power ballad.

I'm coming, King Darkoan!

You can fly through walls? No fair!

That's all you've got?

I've got your... candle.

Yay, I made him move a little!
With Bellzemos destroyed, I rushed into the palace to find King Darkoan sitting frozen, muttering a vaguely bark-like sound. I lit the Candle of the Poltergeist, and he began to regain consciousness. Once he realized he was free of his bindings, he thanked me by giving me some of his power, which increased both my jump height and my flight duration. He also told me to seek the Red Blaze, the legendary power that saved the Ghoul Realm from King Breager's army hundreds of years ago. I'd need to find someone named Majorita, which I'm pretty sure is a non-translation of "Majo Rita", which would mean "Rita the Witch". However, since King Darkoan couldn't tell me where to find her, he pointed me toward a guy named Bymon in the east who might know where to find Majorita.

Yay upgrades!

Oh, so you're not all-knowing then?
In any case, I'll have to head east, since that's currently the only direction I can go.
For a game that looks like an RPG, Gargoyle's Quest is awfully linear.
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