A fitting name for a... barone.

Wait, what just happened?


If I were, you'd be dead already. :)

...and you're blocking the way.

You just told me where it is. Who's stupid?
Shortly after I set out to begin my search for the Gremlin Stick, I ran into a monster who outright confessed to placing the stick in the nearby Tower Monster. So I quickly dispatched him and continued on to said monster, which I immediately recognized as a monster that appears a few times in later stages of Ghosts 'n' Goblins. Inside the monster lay an obstacle course of tricky jumps, tough enemies, and lots and lots of spikes. I died several times (and had to continue a few) before finally making it to the top of the tower.
Second Boss: Gloom Eyes
Inside the uppermost chamber, four large eyes line the walls. Each eye fires a projectile at you which is fairly difficult to dodge, but the room is so large that only one eye (and one projectile) ever appears at any time. I got the hang of drawing the eyes' fire, dropping beneath the projectile, and firing off one of my own, and made short work of all four eyes.
I quickly ran back to return the Gremlin Stick to Jark, who saw a vision of King Darkoan in danger as his power returned. Jark gave me the Candle of the Poltergeist and urged me to hurry to the palace to help King Darkoan.

Hey, this thing looks familiar!


untz untz untz untz

That sounds dirty.

Bad choice of line break there.

Enveloped in flames? That sounds bad.

Brave words coming from a peon.

No, I brought back Jark's Gremlin Stick.
So I guess I'm off to King Darkoan's palace now. I hope I'm not too late!
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