The other shrine, where the Rainbow Drop is actually assembled, housed an old man who just kind of insulted me for not having the Sacred Amulet. I guess we'll need that too. And you might recall someone in Rimuldar saying the amulet was the proof of Rubiss' love, so that most likely means we'll get it when we free her.

That was easy.

Give me a break. I'm working on it.
Once we found our path to Cantlin, it wasn't too difficult to make the walk there. Inside, everyone seemed to have given up hope, and the only person working was the innkeeper. We ran into Garin there, but he only confirmed that the Silver Harp, which we found back at his house, had been back at his house. An old man told us what we'd need to create the Rainbow Drop, and it was no surprise at all. So now we know we've got one of the three items.

Not much of a fortress then, is it?

Well, we've got one of those.

Oh, so no golem yet?

And then we stole it.
With nothing left to do in Cantlin, and insufficient bravery to enter the tower where Rubiss is sealed, we instead opted to check out the two caves near Brecconaly. We first entered the southwest cave, which was a maze containing little of value (except for a Wizard's Ring; you can't have too many of those). Next, we ventured into the northwest cave, which had a much simpler layout. We noticed early on that enemy spells seemed to fail at an astounding rate here, and then discovered that ours did as well. That's when we realized that this cave actually blocked all magic. We rely pretty heavily on magic for healing, so this was going to be a problem. Fortunately, the cave was short, but Theron died along the way anyway.
The bottom floor was a partial treasure trove; I say partial because one of the chests contained a Mimic, though its inability to use magic made it pretty easy to kill. In this treasure trove, we found the Shield of Heroes, one of the super special hero accessories (the others being the Sword of Kings and the Armor of Radiance). We also found a giant pit that would rumble and spit us out if we jumped in. This is apparently where Zoma originally came from.
Since we couldn't use the Outside spell to get out, we had to walk, and since we were already in bad shape from the walk down, it should come as no surprise to anyone that we didn't survive. Back in the realm of the living, I realized we had no lead on the location of the stones of sunlight, so I looked back through my screenshots, and noticed there was a small structure in the back of the kitchen in Tantegel Castle that we hadn't checked out. When we pressed against its wall, we found a path in leading to stairs, and at the top of those stairs was a bedroom with a chest containing the Stones of Sunlight!

I hope there's good treasure in here.

Sure, that's good treasure.

That'll work too!

Shouldn't there be a few of these?
Since we've had this lump of Oricon sitting in our... item bag or whatever... for a while now, our next stop was Kol, where the Jipangese swordsmith lives. We weren't sure what to do with it at first, but since key items can't be sold in shops, our clue came in the hefty offer the swordsmith gave us for the Oricon (22,500 gold!), so we sold it to him. When we visited him the next morning, sure enough, he had the Sword of Kings available for sale! We had to gather up some gold to afford its 35,000 gold price tag, but in the end, I got my sword. All I need now is the Armor of Radiance, and that's in the same place as the last of the items we need for the Rainbow Drop: the tower west of Kol.

Wow, that's an expensive sword.

Oh yeah, not everyone has a boat.
Things are coming together very quickly, so I hope to have the game finished up pretty soon here. Considering I've been working on the game for two months now, it's about time.
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