Well, isn't that nice?

How? We teleported!
After several failed attempts on Baramos' life, we finally managed to destroy him using a similar strategy to the one we used against the Orochi. Theron used BiKill to boost Brindar's and my attack power, and then cast Increase to beef up our defense, all while Viron kept us healed up and we attacked. With Baramos gone, we found there were no longer any monsters around either. When we left the castle, Ramia was also nowhere to be found, so our only choice was to cast Return. But we found that the only place we were allowed to return to was Aliahan. I guess the game didn't want us wandering off after our triumph.
As expected, the people of Aliahan had already heard about our victory, and were eager to sing our praises and urge us to hurry to the king. We visited with everyone, and eventually made it to the castle to talk to the king. He was thrilled to know that the Archfiend had been destroyed, of course.
And then it happened.
Everything went dark as the castle trembled, apparently wiping out the guards who were prepared to play a fanfare for us. Then a voice rang out on the air, proclaiming itself to belong to the Master Archfiend, Zoma. He swore to bring darkness and suffering to the world, and then, with a laugh, the voice was gone.

Oh, you doubted us?

Okay, calm down, Grandpa.

Mom, you're embarrassing me!

I imagine he already has.

You dream of dead stuff?

You'll get no argument from us.

Yeah, I'm still not so sure.

No, that happened 16 years ago.

Nah, let's let him sweat a bit longer.

Hurry! To the beside me!

All right, but no mysterious caviar, okay?

Man... I knew it.

*sigh* All right, let's go kill
another Archfiend.

Quickly, plug him into the wall!
I guess we can say that the second, more powerful bad guy is officially a feature of the Dragon Warrior series now.
Now, if you'll excuse us, I guess we're off to hunt down this Zoma guy.
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