Saturday, May 30, 2009

RGR007 - The Tower of Gelve

Since there aren't many places to go just yet, and the dark smelly cave to the east scares me, I've officially made my way to the Tower of Gelve. Not that it's really much of a tower, with a whopping two floors. It is confusing though, as it appears to be fairly symmetrical, with rooms that will only allow you to pass in certain directions based on what direction you entered from. There are also three stone statues that you have to push to open certain passages. But given enough time and hit points, it's not too hard to make it to the boss, a tiny little dragon that just slowly moves toward you. With the Hyperspeed1 item and some arrows, I made such short work of him that I didn't get a chance to take a screenshot of him.

I then met the princess, who appears to have metamorphosed from the larval stage to the little girl with wings stage. Some hilarity ensued when the king pointed out my character's gender (I TOLD YOU!), noting that I couldn't marry the princess, but could marry him instead.

Once the laughter died down, the king ordered a soldier to distribute caviar to the townsfolk in celebration of the princess' return. Shortly thereafter, the townsfolk became ill, because the caviar, which the king bought from a mysterious masked man (really), was poisoned, and now everyone needs medicine from a town across the sea. If text could facepalm, it would right now.

Yep, that's a tower all right.
Yep, that's a tower all right.
A fountain would look better here.
A fountain would look better here.

Ick, a giant bug! Kill it!
Ick, a giant bug! Kill it!
Oh, it's the princess. I knew that.
Oh, it's the princess. I knew that.

They don't make 'em like they used to.
They don't make 'em like they used to.
Oh no, a plot twist!
Oh no, a plot twist!

I guess this means I have a new quest.

Seriously, who buys caviar from a mysterious masked man? And then serves it to EVERYONE?

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