Yep, I'm sure it seems like I was wrong and it took me much longer than expected to get through the game. But no, I just had a very busy week and weekend, and had to put off the ending post for Kid Niki. I don't have any clever captions for now, so you'll have to deal with just a bunch of pictures. Maybe I'll update them at some point tomorrow, once I've had some sleep and caffeine. But hey, they're free, so you have no right to complain. Enjoy!
Edit: captions have been added. Whee!

Watch out for acorns!

You're awfully limber for a statue.

Eew, she skinned a goat!

Oh no, he jumped through the screen!

You can't escape this time... right?

I don't get it; is he falling?

Yeah, kick him while he's down!
New game next week!
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