Ninja Mistress


Ninja Mistress is easiest to beat if you've found the Urn, which makes all ninja in the game, including her, weaker. She basically fights just like the rest of the ninja, but she has an extra weapon in the form of a floating bomb... thing. She tosses it in the air and it floats above you until you stand up and let it explode all over you. To beat her, just try to pin her into a corner, duck and let your fists fly. If you're lucky, you can keep her in the corner without ever getting hit.
Rat King


Rat King's style can be pretty random, which makes him overpowering in some fights, and a complete pushover in others. The thing to watch out for is his tail attack, which he tends to use after dashing around the room. Just cross your fingers and hit him when you can.
Lord Muck


Lord Muck has a strong defense in his spinning cane, which he'll mysteriously slide around the room swinging. His weakness lies in his special attack, which has him raising his cane in the air to bring pieces of the ceiling down on you. Whenever he does this, he leaves himself completely open to attack. So let him do it, then get in close and hit him with a combo, and he'll go down in no time.


Goliath is easy once you get the hang of fighting him. He follows you around, ramming into you when he gets the chance. And if you put enough distance between you and him, he'll charge at you. But he's so dumb that he'll gladly ram right into the wall. When this happens, he'll become dizzy and let his guard down; a quick kick will take a chunk off his energy meter. So once you've got the pattern down, four or five passes will do him in, and the Scarab will be yours.
Okay kids, that's it for now. Tune in next time for the final battle with Sutekh, and the ending!
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