Friday, August 28, 2009

RGR009 - Hail to the King

With our heads hung in shame, and our bag of gold considerably lighter thanks to the wicked expensive resurrection fees the healers are charging these days, we set out for a rematch with Kandar. He was waiting, with his henchmen, in exactly the spot he was standing when he massacred us. The second battle went much more smoothly, with Theron surviving not only long enough to cast Bang three times, but the entire fight! We concentrated our attacks on the henchmen this time, since they had fewer hit points, and would therefore die more quickly. Then we hacked away at Kandar until he went down, and won enough experience points that everyone gained a level.

Let's try this again...
Let's try this again...
Well, since you said please, okay.
Well, since you said please, okay.

We agreed to let Kandar go in exchange for the crown, a decision I hope we don't end up regretting. We then returned to Romaly Castle, where the king was so happy to have his crown back that he handed over the throne to me. Yep, just like that. I could choose to say no, but he'd just ask again, so I didn't REALLY have a choice.

As the king, I wandered around alone and talked to everyone in the castle, most of whom just said things like "Wow, it's a king!" and "You're the king? That's dumb!", so there weren't many interesting screenshot opportunities lurking around.

He really just wants to go gamble.
He really just wants to go gamble.

Uh, who are you again?
Uh, who are you again?
But he gave the crown back...
But he gave the crown back...

Jeez, man, it's my first day!
Jeez, man, it's my first day!
Jinkies? A clue?
Jinkies? A clue?

But I'm hungry, and there's NO FOOD HERE.
But I'm hungry, and there's NO FOOD HERE.
Sure you are, degenerate.
Sure you are, degenerate.

Being the king got old fast, so I went looking for the former king. I found him in the monster battle gambling arena, presumably doing things not befitting of royalty. I eventually convinced him that, as a hero, I had more important things to do than rule a kingdom. So he returned to the throne, my party reassembled, and we prepared to head back out on our journey.

I told you he just wanted to gamble.
I told you he just wanted to gamble.
But you totally did.
But you totally did.

Now then, there's the little matter of the town of Noaniels. Remember Noaniels? The nearby elves put the entire town to sleep because an elven princess named Anne fell in love with a human, and took their prized Dream Ruby with her when she ran away with him, yadda yadda yadda. I think we can smooth things over by getting the ruby back, and I've got a feeling it's in that cave just outside the elves' village.

And you know I can't wait to venture into some strange cave.

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