After a short hike (yes, a short hike that took a month), we reached the town of Frenor, where we were shocked to learn that we were apparently already there. Someone posing as the Princess of Santeem was in town, and everyone was doing their best to attend to this princess' every need. Of course, this meant they didn't have time to deal with some random visitors from out of town, so we couldn't even get a room at the inn.
About the only person willing to give us the time of day was a scruffy man who told us about the Golden Bracelet, a bracelet--presumably made of gold--that was the town's greatest treasure. And, like every greatest treasure, it made them miserable, making enemies of friends and all that, so they sealed it away in a cave to the south. You can be sure we're going to have to go fetch that bracelet for one reason or another.

Oh yeah, we were going to a town.

It'll involve very little going.

What's with the crazy talk, old man?

Why don't you ASK ME?

I beg to differ.

No, but I know where the princess is.

Wait, should I be offended?

Don't be creepy.

This sounds kind of important.

You already did. You can't take it back.
We decided to pay this "princess" a visit, to see if she needed to be roughed up or just threatened, but just as we entered the second floor of the inn, a pair of kidnappers appeared and took off with the impostor! At this point, it was hard to tell whether the kidnappers were in league with the fake princess, or if they actually thought she was the real Princess of Santeem. In any case, we were asked to help rescue the fake princess, and according to the ransom letter the kidnappers had delivered, rescuing her will require us to go fetch that Golden Bracelet we learned about not ten minutes earlier.
Funny how that worked out, eh?

Unhand that... uh... princess?


Why does everyone say
"Gasp!" around here?

*sigh* That's not how these things work.

Yes, of course, the bracelet.

She's not really a princess, you know.

Aha, so you're in on it!

Yes, I'm so sure.
The Southern Cave wasn't far from the town, though the monsters around these parts are a little tougher than we're used to. Luckily, we spent plenty of time gathering experience and money, and were already well-equipped for the journey. The cave itself wasn't very exciting; a few new monsters, some dead-ends, and a couple of twisty paths. As expected, we found the Golden Bracelet at the end of the longest path into the deepest tunnel of the cave, and quickly brought it back to Frenor to exchange for the princess-like object.
The kidnappers were happy to have the Golden Bracelet, and took off immediately once we handed it off to them. The not-actually-princess, who revealed that she was actually an actress named May, thanked us for saving her by giving us the Thief's Key, which works out pretty well, since you know how we love us some keys. The following morning, everything was back to normal, though some people were a little depressed that they hadn't actually met a real princess. I guess that continues to be all funny and ironic.

Super Saiyan Snakes!

All right, let's find this stupid bracelet.

Blah blah cave yadda yadda.

That was easy enough.

I feel like a Russian spy!

You're a terrible kidnapper.

Yay, we saved the... lady.

Leave the princessing to the professionals.

Well, you're still a crazy old man.

Yeah, really... oh, wait.

Well, I guess we're heading south now.

Yeah, that other guy just told me.

A comma? What a refined dog!

Aw, man...
We got a tip from a couple of people about a desert bazaar going on to the south, so we're going to check it out and see if we can't at least get some new weapons.
And when we get there, with any luck, you'll read about it in less than a month.
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