Fire Test Boss: Fire Guardian
The Fire Guardian has two forms, beginning as a dark cloud of (most likely) noxious gas that floats around, body checking Soaring Eagle at every opportunity. After a while, the cloud dissipates, revealing a human-like body, completely engulfed in flames. In this form, the Flame Guardian quickly jumps around the screen with no regard for the safety of others. Sometimes, the jumps are high enough to duck under, but I wasn't able to get used to the timing of said jumps, so my first encounter with the Fire Guardian ended in death.
Next, I returned to the Ice Ritual, and had no trouble reaching the boss. Something a little unexpected happened this time, though: once I reduced his life to four units, he turned completely red. And then bumped into me. And then STOLE MY MAGIC POTION. Suddenly, he was full-powered again, and I was near death. I didn't stand a chance.
The next battle followed the same pattern, so on my third attempt, I decided to try to reach his chamber without a magic potion. I was used to his jumping pattern at that point, so I was able to hold my own against him without losing too much life. And when he turned red, there was nothing for him to take from me. So he stayed red all the way up to the moment I beat him.
I won the Cloud totem from the Ice Guardian (I don't know either), which allows me to create a little flying cloud that I can use as a platform. If you'll recall, I mentioned a couple of posts ago that this game originally starred Son Goku, so this totem would be Kinto'un.

Smells... brimstoney.


I have nothing for you to take.

But you've got something for me!
I then tried the Secret Cliff again, and though I lasted a little longer this time against the Secret Guardian, it still wasn't quite enough. I had much better luck in the Sacred Woods, where I finally mastered the art of pressing up to block the falling bamboo spikes dropped by the Forest Guardian. With one of his trickiest attacks rendered ineffective, I had no problem defeating him and winning the Spear Whirlwind totem, which allows Soaring Eagle to spin his spear in front of him to deflect attacks and break certain blocks.
With only two stages left, it was time for me to face my fears and give the Fire Test another try. I was able to master the Fire Guardian's jumping pattern this time, and thanks to that, along with a few more hearts earned from gourds, I defeated the guardian this time. This earned me the Fire Wand totem, turning Soaring Eagle's spear into a little blowtorch, which appears to be another useless power.
Finally, it was time to take another shot at the Secret Cliff. The Secret Guardian was a piece of cake this time, only managing to hit me a few times as he bounced around the room. By defeating him, I obtained the Dart totem, which allows Soaring Eagle to throw spears. Now. Six stages in. I just now finally got my projectile weapon. Grr.

See, I learned!

And it looks like it paid off, too.

That trick won't work on me this time.


What, you want to be friends now?

I don't think so.
Soaring Eagle has completed the six tests and won the six totems, so it's time to take on the Final Test. What challenges will he face? What horrible things lie in wait for him? Will he find enough gourds to fill out his life meter completely?
All these questions will be answered next time, as we experience the thrilling conclusion of Whomp 'Em!
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