Your evolution is out of order down there.

Giant Bonk says "WAKE UP!!!"
All right, folks, it's time for Bonk III: Bonk's Big Adventure, the third and final game in the Bonk's Adventure series. King Drool III is up to his old shenanigans, and it looks like Bonk's once again the only one who can put a stop to it. The game is pretty much the same as the previous two, with one special new feature: size-manipulating magic candy! Yes, there are two types of magic candy: blue candy, which causes a normal-sized Bonk to grow to giant proportions (see above), and red candy, which shrinks normal-sized Bonk down to an itty-bitty little caveboy. Getting hit undoes either of these effects, though, so most of the game is spent as regular old Bonk.
There's also a two-player mode, where player two controls a second Bonk with a slightly different palette, but I didn't go into said mode to check it out (there's a short demo after the title screen, so all my info comes from that).
I should point out now that I don't know the names of the bosses, since the game never mentions them, and I have no instruction manual (nor do I know if they're in there). The Internet's also not a great source of info on this game for some reason.

Hey, who're responsible for this graffiti?

You'd better run!

See, there's a two-player mode.

You seem to have shrunk a little.


Not as cute as Tiny Butthead Bonk.

Nnghhngh! *poot*

Is this the elusive Naked Baby Bonk?

Ooh, it's like Rampage!

I'm a human bulldozer, after all.

Ow, my... everything!

This pterodactyl has every reason to make that face.
Stage one runs the gamut of Bonk scenery: wilderness with mountain background, wilderness with volcanos, underground caverns, and even some modern-ish wharf areas, complete with motorcycle-riding Chikkuns (the eggshell-headed common enemies). Finally, deep inside a cargo freighter, we find the first boss.
First Boss: Mechanical Crab
The first boss is simple enough; he jumps around and tries to crush you under his feet and/or head, and that head is his weak point. If you allow yourself to be crushed, you'll temporarily transform into a crab (I never did figure out why), which gives you the ability to attack upward with your claws. This is an effective way of handling the boss, and actually makes him quite easy to beat. Once beaten, the pilot of the crab is revealed to be... what looks like King Drool III as a child, who runs away, swearing he'll be back.

Tiny Bonk fears no mecha-crab-thing!

Something's different now...

No, not in the face!

Yep, I'm inside yet another digestive tract.

Hello, breakfast.

The lipstick's a nice touch.

Quick, which one's the real Bonk?

The Mothman is real!

I like my sliders manual.

Silly Japanese developers.
Stage two begins outside a gigantic house, and continues into the house's outside plumbing, and then the sewers. After exiting the sewers, the stage continues with some sort of strange stone tower, inside of which the second boss awaits.
Second Boss: Somewhat Giant Robot
I say somewhat because he's less than a screen tall, and for a giant robot, that's really not that big. A series of pipes sticks out from the wall on either side, providing a handy way to get above the robot. He doesn't move his arms or legs much, instead preferring to use his ribcage-mounted rockets to float around the room. He occasionally floats up toward the top of the room, only to crash down and cause everything to shake, which knocks Bonk off balance and causes him to fall of whatever pipe he's standing on. His head is his weak point, but sometimes is also a weapon, and I wasn't able to figure out what the distinction was, so I just kept trying to get above him and hit him as many times as I could. As a consequence, I lost a few lives in this battle.
Once again, the wee li'l King Drool III was behind the boss the whole time.

Hey. Down here. Look at me!

Head trauma makes me so sleepy.

You again, huh? I'll get you yet!
Each time I beat him, he tells me he'll be back, but it's really more like I'm chasing him.
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