He flies in rough circles, trying to hit you, but when you hit him with an arrow (a Golden Arrow at that), it pushes him back without disturbing his momentum. This gives you room to walk out of his flight path to line up the next shot. So you end up essentially following him around and shooting him every time he lines up with you. No problem.
Here we go again...
Round Two... FIGHT!
After finding the staircase beyond the boss' hallway, I exited the cave on the other side and began to search for the next town. A sizable portion of the land here is desert, and the selection of enemies has improved. Unfortunately, the enemies have now taken up the nasty habit of spitting fireballs that cause me to go out of control and start running around wasting all my special weapons.
I found a port east of the cave, but the captain of the ship waiting there was a filthy racist, and wouldn't let me on board. So I kept searching, and found the towns of Tegza and Teodoor. Tegza was scant, though an old man gave me a letter that he promised would convince the ship's captain to let me board his ship.
Teodoor, as you might expect, was in the midst of a problem that only I could solve. A man-eating elephant had taken up residence among their favorite fruit trees on a nearby island, so it was up to me to sail over to the island and take care of the elephant. It went down in three hits, which was kind of disappointing.
The people thanked me by giving me a translation machine, which lets me communicate with lizard men. It turns out the lizard man outside Highria was originally from Teodoor, and his name is Zelos. I befriended him, and he gave me the Super Armor, which is apparently the most powerful armor in the game. Realizing I had used up my last pair of wings, I headed back to Karuza to buy a few more pairs, and figured I'd go back and check up on the king.
As soon as I entered the castle, my way was blocked by soldiers who told me the princess had forbidden my entry. I had a feeling something like this would happen. From what people have been telling me, this isn't really the princess, but most likely the Wizard in disguise, trying to get his hands on the secret scrolls that contain instructions to create a dragon, and to send me off somewhere where I might get killed. That's just mean.
Ooh, the other side.
Yay, a change in battle landscape!
I'm calling the FCLU*!
I hope they have water. I'm parched.
Is that really how it's spelled?
So plant trees somewhere else.
Are you home, Mr. Man-Eating Elephant?
This is your horrible monster? Lame.
Just what I've always wanted!
Yeah, I can take a hint.
But he had no hands. Poor guy.
But I thought she liked me...
Why not just build a bridge?
Crap, wrong turn!
With nothing more to do there, I headed back to Tegza via the wings, and then hiked to the port. As promised, the captain took me aboard, and we sailed about 35 feet to the east. The eastern island was a maze of straits and peninsulas, but I eventually found my way to the town of Shilf, which was AWESOME.
Every single in-battle item I was missing was available there: jumping shoes, bombs, magic saba, and the Magic Glasses, which finally allow me to see those darned invisible enemies! I also picked up Hyperspeed2, which makes me walk faster than just about every enemy I've encountered so far. The people seem to want me to head to the North Tower, and that's where I am now.
ANOTHER tower?
Ooh, a statue!
Ooh, another statue!
So I guess it's time to break out the pencil and paper for some more mapmaking fun. Oh joy.
*FCLU: Faria Civil Liberties Union
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