Of course, given my propensity to destroy every monster I see, it's only natural that I'd volunteer to put an end to this one. No one else in the village seems to be brave enough to challenge the monster, so it's up to us to stop this horrible cycle of sacrifice and return safety and peace of mind to the young women of Tempe.
Besides, the monster's blocking our passage north.

This must be the place.

Assuming she'd have been born somewhere else.

I think the sacrifice part is worse.

Uh, I guess so.

Oh look, a test of strength!

Just keep walking...

I'll bet he won't help us
fight the monsters.

Sounds awfully pervy to me.

Don't worry, we've got your back.

Or let the girl beat up the monsters. Wuss.
According to the village shaman, the monster only appears once a girl has been given as an offering, so it looks like we won't quite be able to brute force our way through this. Instead, we'll simply become the next offering. The litter the people use for offerings looks pretty small, but we ought to be able to squeeze in if we pretend it's a clown car. Then, once the monster shows its face, we'll break said face.

Nice segue.

You guys have this all figured out, I see.

Who the what now?

I don't think we're all going to fit...

We haven't done anything yet.

Rim shot?
Easier said than done, I suppose. The monster, a Chameleon Humanoid, showed up with two Rabidhounds in tow. He looked an awful lot like Saro's Shadow, but I'm chalking that up to ROM capacity limitations rather than foreshadowing. Also, maybe a little laziness on Akira Toriyama's part.
Anyway, the battle itself was pretty tough; no one seemed to have any sort of special attacks (though the Chameleon Humanoid was able to do some healing), but they were strong. Luckily, we've got a healer on our side too, so we were able to hold out long enough to finish off the Rabidhounds, and then concentrate everything we had on our main target for the win.
The news of our victory (which, I'm sure, everyone could have seen from where they all were standing) spread quickly, and the whole town was ecstatic. Everybody was celebrating, and even the item shop owner got into the spirit by reopening the item shop. After a quick weapon upgrade (Boomerangs for everyone!), we triumphantly marched north, into the mountain valley that would lead us to the next town, Frenor.
I missed the opportunity to get a screenshot of the monsters, but if you really want to know what they look like, there are plenty of images out there.

Oh no, he brought doggies!

Oops, you blinked.

The village is 50 feet away.

Actually, he's a pile of little chunks now.

I kinda figured.

You guys probably could've taken him.

Yes, this statement is now correct.

I could get used to this hero stuff.

All right, but if I see
any Wookiees, I'm gone.

Business as usual, eh?

Do they have a monster
for me to kill too?

Onward to Frenor!
You know, we should have asked the Chameleon Humanoid what he was doing with the girls before we killed him.