What are you talking about?
After a little experimentation, I figured out the ring I won from the Scissor Monster lets me recover hit points (and, strangely enough, arrows) during battle.
Upon returning to Highria, I received the Mysterious Seed from the old man who sent me to the tower to begin with. It's apparently the seed of some kind of rapid-growing bridge plant, which is nice, since the bridge leading to the next town happens to be broken. I took the seed and headed down to the broken bridge, where I may or may not have had a bout of hallucinations as the seed worked its magic. The ocean began changing colors, and I felt oddly at peace, and when I looked back at the broken bridge, it was whole again. Or maybe it was magic. I'm really not sure anymore.
The town of Riria has two medical centers (and creepy, depressing music); one sells a universal antidote (not that I've been poisoned at any recent point in the game), and the other sells the Wonder Capsule, a surefire cure for food poisoning. Yep, the game is pretty straightforward. I of course bought one of these capsules, and immediately headed back to Ehdo to cure the townsfolk. The music became cheery once again, and the people began to tell me stories of strange goings-on up north in Somusa, and I learned some shocking news...
Now, we finally get to the title of this post. While I was gone, the king had been turned to stone! I ran as fast as I could (which was roughly equivalent to a leisurely stroll) to the castle to find the king a lifeless statue, and the princess begging me to go find who or whatever did this to him, and commence with the stabbing. You know I loves me some stabbing.
I then stopped by Somusa to check out these strange happenings, and heard the tale of the guy who dropped his axe in the lake, only to have it replaced with a golden axe by the fairy of the lake. Since I already knew I needed a weapon of gold, I figured I'd try my luck with a golden bow. When I dropped my bow in the lake, some freaky old red woman showed up, took the bow and some of my money, and vanished.
So I tried again with some arrows (I was not about to risk throwing away my expensive sword), but this time, a cute little blue girl showed up and upgraded my arrows to golden arrows. Of course, I lost the 50 arrows I had just bought for the privilege, but thanks to the ring, I can recoup those in no time.

What kind of laugh is that?

All right, I'll take the seed and...

Oh noes, I made the ocean bleed!

Phew, I think I need a nap.

Ooh, a shiny new town...

I'm a foreigner! What are the odds?

How convenient!

That seems to be the theme here.

*sigh* Can't I get a break?

He looks fine to me. Just old.

............ to you too!

Can't someone else do this one?

No, I was trying to upgrade!

No, I lost those FIFTY arrows.
Now that I've got my golden weapon, I guess it's time to try that boss in the cave northeast of Somusa again. I don't like that cave. It smells funny. And my flashlight kind of sucks.