Colon Co... *tee-hee*

Whoa, she has red eyes!
As promised, I've started on the next game,
Faria: A World of Mystery and Danger! (henceforth known simply as
Faria). The game is something of a hybrid action RPG, in that it has all the normal elements of a Dragon Warrior-style role-playing game, but the random battles take place in realtime, with you moving around and slashing at enemies a la
From what I can gather (since the intro isn't much help), the story goes something like this:
Long ago, an evil Wizard (their caps, not mine) terrorized the kingdom of Faria. Countless warriors ventured forth to do battle with the Wizard, but none returned. Finally, a group of sorcerers combined their powers to create a Dragon which was able to defeat--but not destroy--the Wizard. They then used a powerful sealing spell to imprison the Wizard inside a magical sword.
The sword was passed down from generation to generation among the royalty of Faria, until the "One stormy night...." you see below. The Wizard was finally able to break free of the bonds of the sword to resume doing whatever it was he was doing before, which now involves the obligatory kidnapping of a princess.
This is where the game starts, with the player in the role of a mysterious warrior from a distant land who has come to set right that which has been set wrong. But there's a catch:
That mysterious warrior is a WOMAN! Imagine that!
In Japan, the game is labeled a "Comical Fantasy RPG", so you just know there are going to be some gender gags thrown in there.
And so my quest starts. After talking to the king and learning the identity of the princess, I was given permission to cross the bridge to the north, where the enemies are stronger and gather in larger numbers. In a wooded area near the town of Somusa, I encountered what appeared to be the princess, but according to a mysterious voice, was not. I get the feeling there was a joke there in the Japanese version that didn't make it across the Pacific intact. Oh well.

Wait, what?

Is that a cat on your bandana, or Totoro?

Ha, remember when you had to do that?

Oh, don't act all surprised!

Are you going to tell a racist joke?

Wow, that's progressive!



She's actually kind of cute in person.
I've been told there are monsters of some sort in the Tower of Gelve to the north, so I'll be heading there once I've leveled up a bit. I'll bet the princess is there, too!